
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) is the process of capturing and communicating complex interactions in order to illuminate the complete experience a person may have with a product or service.

Every customer is on an experience journey, yet many organizations treat each customer interaction as if it is an isolated event. Satisfactory touchpoints may not add up to a satisfactory customer journey. To improve the quality of customer experience, organizations must have a better understanding of customers, gaining greater customer insight and cater to their customer’s end- to-end journey.

CJM can be used as part of a business improvement process – with potential for both improving the customer experience and reducing the costs of manufacturing a product or providing a service. Industry practitioners of CJM include Cisco, Singapore Airlines, IBM, DBS Bank, etc.

In this action-oriented workshop, participants will work in small teams, guided by our design facilitators to re-imagine the end-to-end customer journey and create new experiences.

Participants will develop skills using design-based techniques to gain insight and yield innovative solutions. It covers building empathy through research, creating personas, visualizing the customer journey, identifying moments of truth and creating new experiences.

Recommended Audience

This workshop is ideal for any professional, manager or staff who are responsible for improving customer experience and are looking for a more practical, disciplined approach to use within their organization.